We also process and supply live, fresh and frozen chicken. Otonomi khusus provinsi papua dan provinsi papua barat, peluang, tantangan, dan harapan opini publik kemenko polhukam ri. Development of administrative law in papua new guinea 9789980852991. Blockchain technology and financial inclusion seminar. Undangundang republik indonesia, nomor 21 tahun 2001 tentang otonomi khusus bagi provinsi papua. Undang2 otonomi khusus special autonomy legislation.
Chartered accountants mercurius advisory services in. This legal update provides an overview of laws on public mergers and acquisitions in indonesia, covering the primary means of obtaining control of a public company. Latar belakang harapan dengan terbitnya uu no 21 tahun 2001 tentang otonomi khusus untuk menjawab berbagai aspirasi dan tuntutan agar pemerintah lebih memperhatikan pembangunan papua sehingga masyarakat papua menjadi lebih sejahtera setelah 10 tahun keberlangsungan otonomi khusus di tanah papua ternyata belum. Provinsi papua adalah provinsi irian jaya yang kemudian menjadi provinsi papua dan provinsi papua barat yang diberi otonomi khusus dalam kerangka. Sep 16, 2015 a broad agreement had been reached in principle between the prime ministers of the federation of malaya and singapore for a merger of the two territories. Soda pdf merge tool allows you to combine pdf files in seconds. Netherlands state practice in the period 19451975 in. Fatakp merger only way to end deprivation of tribesmen. Users of the currency affix monetary values with the symbol k, as in 1,000k. Papua new guinea png is a low middle income country and the biggest economy in the pacific region, with a landmass of 462 820sq km, a population of over 7 million people as per the latest census of 2011, and an annual gdp of over usd 15 billion 2012, representing respectively around 90% of. The purpose of this study is to analyze banks financial performance with financial ratios before and after mergers and acquisitions, analyze the effect of mergers and acquisitions on bank. Jul 09, 2018 the papua new guinea kina is the national currency of papua new guinea.
It is in the interest of the people of papua new guinea and particularly the people of manumanu that the investigations be carried out immediately and those that are found to have acted fraudulent to be charged and face the courts. Pdf development in papua after special autonomy researchgate. Pdf on jan 1, 2012, stepanus malak and others published otonomi khusus papua find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Otonomi khusus bagi provinsi papua diberikan oleh negara republik indonesia melalui undangundang nomor 21 tahun 2001 lembaran negara tahun 2001 no. Process authority for canned food products in the south pacific region providing. Congress and funded by the bureau of educational and cultural affairs of the u. Mergers, acquisitions call for added scrutiny by rath. Pdf merge combine pdf files free tool to merge pdf online. Otonomi khusus papua otonomi khusus bagi provinsi papua adalah kewenangan khusus yang diakui dan diberikan kepada provinsi papua, termasuk provinsiprovinsi hasil pemekaran dari provinsi papua, untuk mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat setempat menurut prakarsa sendiri berdasarkan aspirasi dan hakhak dasar masyarakat papua. Otonomi khusus provinsi papua dan provinsi papua barat, peluang.
He tells business advantage png it is a significant shift for the future success of the countrys resources and business sectors. Datasets available include lcsh, bibframe, lc name authorities, lc classification, marc codes, premis vocabularies, iso language codes, and more. Financial system reform in papua new guinea address by mr loi m bakani, acting governor of the bank of papua new guinea, at the launch of the fincorp downscaling initiative closure meeting, 23 june 2005. Jakarta postkompas file local administrations in papua will get shares from pt freeport indonesia when the company divests its 51 percent shares, as required by a new regulation, says indonesias coordinating maritime affairs minister luhut pandjaitan. Provinsi papua adalah provinsi irian jaya yang diberi otonomi khusus dalam. Dec 14, 2017 tribal elders oppose fatas merger with kp. A merger approval may be investigated by the authority if it discovers that an application included misleading, fraudulent or untrue information. Otonomi khusus papua otsus papuan special autonomy. There are no additional content restrictions beyond those in our acceptable use policy. Where a merger leads to formation of a new company, acquisition leads to purchase of a company by other and no new company is formed. This free online tool allows to combine multiple pdf or image files into a single pdf document. A conversation with sarah kuman, partner, and emmanuel auru, senior associate, in the port moresby office of international law firm allens, on key issues on merger control in papua new guinea. Undangundang otonomi khusus papua barat disahkan pada bulan oktober dan akan diterapkan pada bulan januari 2002.
He was first elected as the sole mp of the star alliance party, but had crossed to the united resources party by 2016 he graduated from the university of papua new guinea as an. A well respected senior citizen and a leader in many capacities throughout his life has unleashed in depth perspectives of the roles and responsibilities of leadership in papua new guinea, hence the title of his latest book. Merger and acquisition activity in the defense sector is robust. Otonomi khusus untuk aceh dan papua barat down to earth. While the coha merged these two tracks to some extent, it still only.
Freeport mine shares granted for local administrations in. In the borneo region the british tried to find a workable. Focusing on exchange and its underlying ethics, this book explores the concept of the person in the dobu world view. Avoid using spaces in senderid which may cause messages to get undelivered. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. How to merge pdfs and combine pdf files adobe acrobat dc. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. The idea of a federation of british territories in south east asia once the british government had begun shrinking their commitments overseas was mooted as early as may 1, 1948 by the commissioner general for the united kingdom in south east asia malcolm macdonald. Acknowledgement chairman of fincorp mr kerengua kua, staff of fincorp and mcc.
In 1961, four sisters of notre dame from the toledo province in the united states arrived in the banz area of the western highlands in papua new guinea. Transmigrasi era otonomi khusus di provinsi papua pona jurnal. The corpus data on the basis of which i analyzed the structures of the language and their functions was obtained during nine months of field work in yapsiei and mianmin, telefomin district, sandaun province, papua new guinea. This is an ethnography of dobu, a massim society of papua new guinea, which has been renowned in social anthropology since fortunes sorcerers of dobu 1932. The papua new guinea kina is the national currency of papua new guinea. Law 40 of 2007 on limited liability companies company law, and the implementing regulation of the old company law, namely government regulation 27 of 1998 on mergers, consolidations and acquisitions of limited liability companies. Merger is defined as one or more pts merging into an existing pt surviving pt.
Objective of monetary policy the objective of monetary policy in papua new guinea png is. He also called for ensuring fatakp merger before the upcoming general elections. A delegation of politicians from indonesias papua province has been to jakarta to further pressure the central government to help improve special autonomy in their region. Apr 17, 2018 bajaur agency pakistan tehreekeinsaf deputy general secretary murad saeed said that merger of fata with khyberpakhtunkhwa was the best and only way to improve socioeconomic conditions of the tribesmen. Comesa new panafrican merger control regime on 14 january 20, the competition commission for the common market for eastern and southern africa comesa became operational. Transmigration program was stopped in papua in 2001. The more women there are on a corporate board the less a company pays for. The information content of mergers and acquisition. Leadership in papua new guinea by bernard narokobi author. Summary national indicative programme nip papua new guinea 20142020 papua new guinea png is a low middle income country and the biggest economy in the pacific region, with a landmass of 462 820sq km, a population of over 7 million people as per the latest census of 2011. A cash culture in papua new guinea is beginning to change and there is more willingness to buy shares, according to aiabba minerals executive chairman and managing director, moses mondowa. Women directors better at mergers, acquisitions date. Latar belakang harapan dengan terbitnya uu no 21 tahun 2001 tentang otonomi khusus untuk menjawab berbagai aspirasi dan tuntutan agar pemerintah lebih memperhatikan pembangunan papua sehingga masyarakat papua menjadi lebih sejahtera setelah 10 tahun keberlangsungan otonomi khusus.
Dec, 2016 a merger approval may be investigated by the authority if it discovers that an application included misleading, fraudulent or untrue information. Assistance to papua new guinea, 1975 to 2002 31 5 the impact of australian aid in papua new guinea 33 5. Miners working underground in tembagapura, papua, last july. Uu 212001 yang terdiri dari 79 pasal ini mengatur kewenangankewenangan provinsi papua dalam menjalankan otonomi. Selain papua, nangro aceh darussalam, di yogyakarta dan dki jakarta memiliki kekhasan dalam pem. This thesis is a descriptive grammar of the mian language of papua new guinea. Women directors better at mergers, acquisitions sciencedaily.
Rod hilton, minister counsellor, australian high commission. The linked data service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the library of congress. Any merger or acquisition requires serious due diligence, to give buyers, sellers, and merger partners a clear picture of their prospective partners, examine specific issues and to test the viability of their business strategy in a particular case. Otonomi khusus papua iii pengantar penerbit papua mendapat perlakuan khusus dalam pembangunan. He was first elected as the sole mp of the star alliance party, but had crossed to the united resources party by 2016. The text of the agreement of october 1983, and of the protocol thereto, between papua new guinea and the agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons is reproduced in this document for the information of all members. Tribal elders oppose fatas merger with kp geo news. Law 212001 of the republic of indonesia regarding special autonomy for the province of papua download text as rtf 8k.
These notes have not been altered since september 2003 and may substantially vary from legislation enacted since that date at either. There are no additional content restrictions beyond those in our. Mandekem ltd the process authority lae, papua new guinea. Ehtics of exchange on a massim island, papua new guinea. Narakobis memoirs in this book relate to good leadership in reference to christian ethics and civil. Daerah khusus, daerah instimewa, dan otonomi khusus. More than 500 tribal elders held a grand jirga on thursday and rejected the possible merger of. Otonomi khusus, provinsi papua diberi kewenangan khusus berdasarkan undangundang ini. Our pdf merger allows you to quickly combine multiple pdf files into one single pdf document, in just a few clicks. In 1994, papuanew guinean png landowners sued bhp in the supreme court of victoria in melbourne, australia alleging that bhps operations at the ok tedi copper mine caused destruction of the surrounding environment and of their traditional lifestyle. A memorandum setting out heads of agreement for the proposed merger was published as a singapore white paper on the 15th november, 1961. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the department of state or. Easily combine multiple files into one pdf document.
Papua new guineaowned aiabba minerals seeks to raise. Undangundang 212001 atau otonomi khusus provinsi papua. This creates a new supranational merger control regime in africa which companies will now have to navigate. Freeport mine shares granted for local administrations in papua.
Dalam pemberian otonomi khusus di papua, ada terdapat dasar pemberian otonomi khusus. Secessionist challenges in aceh and papua the web site cannot. Mehrra minne kipefa born 15 december 1981 is a papua new guinean politician. Free web app to quickly and easily combine multiple files into one pdf online. Papua new guinea kumdi holy trinity delegation papua new guinea, kumdi whp established 1961 mary immaculate province toledo, ohio usa. Bajaur agency pakistan tehreekeinsaf deputy general secretary murad saeed said that merger of fata with khyberpakhtunkhwa was the best and only way to improve socioeconomic conditions of the tribesmen.
All assets and liabilities, including business operations and financial losses, transfer to the surviving pt by operation of law upon completion of the merger, and the merging pts are dissolved without liquidation. The following extensive legal notes on special autonomy and its implementing mechanisms particularly the provincial regulations or perdasi are made available by dr laurence sullivan. The text of the agreement of october 1983 between papua. Papua new guineas semi annual monetary policy statement mps address by mr loi m bakani, governor of the bank of papua new guinea, port moresby, 30 march 2012. Papua new guinea kumdi congregation of the sisters of. Papua new guinea merger control lexispsl, practical.
Some societis have consider that this program has failed to improve the. He has been a member of the national parliament of papua new guinea since 2012, representing the electorate of oburawonenara open. Department of state, is a competitive, meritbased scholarship program that provides opportunities for. Bank of papua new guinea queries on the contents of the monetary policy statement mps should be directed to the manager. Bakani port moresby 31st march 2015 the economics department and are also available on the banks website. Dr sullivan worked from august 2002 august 2003 on a british council project at cenderawasih university in papua assisting with the implementation of the special autonomy law for papua uu 212001 otsus papua. Pj kuyper and pjg kapteyn a colonial power as champion of selfdetermination. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari dasar menimbang undang 84 dalam buku rusdianto sesung, hukum otonomi daerah negara kesatuan, daerah istimewa dan daerah otonomi khusus, refika aditama, jakarta, 20, hlm.
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